Submitting to Ship’s Archive

You may not be a fan of science fiction, but you can still contribute to Terra Two through Ship’s Archive. Is there a particular book—fictional or non-fictional, a poem, a piece of music, a film or an essay which has had a profound effect on your thinking?  Would you like to ensure that the perspective this writer offers will not be lost, but instead, will be carried forward into the future as human beings migrate to the stars?  If so, please work to sum up the key idea as clearly as you can, perhaps drawing on useful quotations from the text if applicable, relevant secondary sources, and your own perception of why the writer, artist, director or musician’s point of view is so valuable. Word count 500-1000 words.  If you prefer, you can record your reflections in a podcast (maximum five minutes).

Once you have completed your written piece or podcast, please upload it to the Terra Two Online Submission Form on the About page. We will accept high quality creative and critical work which follows the recommendations laid out above.  We invite submissions from staff members and students at YSJ and from selected guest contributors outside our institution.

Please include a 50 word biography and photograph. Please follow an established referencing system for citations and bibliographic details.

Let’s join our many voices together in order to create a mutually sustaining reality, next time around! We look forward to reading or listening to your work with great anticipation.

yin yang