Submitting to Music of the Spheres

The Terra Two project invites musicians to develop original science fictional content for its website in order to help shape the first off-world colony. Your work might use one of the following topics as a jumping off point:

Space (stars, planets, black holes, galaxies) Ethnicities
Off-world human colonies Religion/Spiritualities
Permaculture/ Solar Punk Gender
When species meet Sexualities
Animals Dis/Abilities
Artificial intelligence Hierarchies
Post-humanism Apocalypse

As you develop your creative content, please consider the following: what would you like to ‘say’ about one or more of the topics above that would be valuable for human beings who were moving off-world to hear? In your view, how might engaging with this piece of music enhance chances for survival in the long-term?

Alternatively, compose a creative response to a favourite science fictional text in any form. Here are just a few personal favourites, so please feel to respond to any of these, or to one of your own, using any science fictional mode!

Arthur C. Clarke—‘Nightfall’ (1947), ‘If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth’(1951)
Ray Bradbury—‘Frost and Fire’ (1946), ‘The Veldt’ (1950), ‘There will Come Soft Rains’ (1950),
Ursula Le Guin—The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), The Dispossessed (1974), ‘Newton’s Sleep(1994)
Margaret Atwood—The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), Oryx and Crake (2003), The Year of the Flood (2009)
Octavia Butler—Xenogenesis (1987-) The Parable series (1993, 1998)
Cormac McCarthy—The Road (2006)
China Miéville—The City and the City (2009), Kraken (2010)
Jeff Vandermeer—The Southern Reach Trilogy (2014)
Abrams, Kurtzman and Orci—Fringe (2008-2013)
Charlie Brooker—Black Mirror (2011-)
The Duffer brothers—Stranger Things (2016-)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Star Wars (1977)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Blade Runner (1982)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
The Fifth Element (1997)
Gattaca (1997)
The Matrix (1999)
Children of Men (2006)
Ex Machina (2015)
Arrival (2016)

Entries should be brief – our aim is to collate short but striking musical pieces which contribute in some way to the shape and design of the first off-world human settlement.

  • Musical compositions – 3 minutes – MP3
  • Music produced in collaboration with a film director or game designer – 3-5 minutes

Please supply a title.

Musical contributions should be accompanied by a 100-300 word critical reflection: what critical or musical works have influenced your musical composition? What do you hope your listener will experience? Is there anything you would like your listener to know about your work?

Once you have completed your composition, please send it to the Terra Two editorial team for consideration through the Online Submission Form on the About page. We will accept high quality compositions which follow the recommendations laid out above.  We invite musical contributions from staff members and students at YSJ and from selected guest contributors outside our institution. Please include a 50 word biography and photograph. Let’s join our many voices together in order to create a mutually sustaining reality, next time around!  We look forward to listening to your work with great anticipation.

yin yang